“You Won’t Get Under My Skin”

In this body of work, I explore the theme of skin—its resilience, beauty, and mystery. As the body’s largest and most versatile organ, the skin serves as a protective barrier against heat, light, injury, and infection, encapsulating the entirety of our being. Yet, while we encounter it every day, we often overlook its significance. 

The expression "getting under someone's skin" usually denotes lasting annoyance or anger, but here, the skin transforms into a symbol of strength and the self. It is an unwavering fortress, impervious to intrusion, providing a secure haven against life’s trials and the proximity of challenges. This project delves into the relationship between the skin and the self, emphasizing how our outer layer not only protects us physically but also defines our identity in a world filled with external pressures. 

Through these photographs, I aim to illuminate the inherent beauty and peculiarities of our skin, encouraging reflection on what protects us from the harshness of the world and how our skin shapes our experience of self.