September 2017
There are so many things to speak about,
So many things to think about,
So many things to believe in,
So many things to love and hate.
Many things will happen to you,
Sometimes it’s hard,
Sometimes it’s easy.
You will make mistakes,
Don’t blame yourself,
Learn from them,
Act differently when they reappear.
This world is, for some,
Difficult to live in,
For others,
A child’s game.
Be a child,
Act like an adult.
Time flies,
And you should try to make the best of it.
Make an impact,
Show everyone your creativity,
The incredible human being you are.
Don’t copy others' acts,
Do it in your own style,
Find your own way.
Love often comes with pain,
If it does,
Realize it,
Accept it,
Move on.
The sea is full of fish,
Better to die alone
Than with the wrong person by your side.
Maybe you will feel lonely,
Maybe you will be surrounded by many people,
But quality comes before quantity.
Your entourage matters,
Stay with the people who want what's best for you,
The people who push you to be better.
Don’t listen to those who try to make you feel small,
Don’t put yourself in a box,
Don’t let others put you in a box.
You are free to do what you want,
Free to say what you want,
Own yourself until the end,
Don’t have regrets,
Don’t feel stupid,
You aren’t.
Don’t be naïve,
Be bright.
If you feel like you’re stuck in a situation,
Take time,
Resettle your thoughts,
Focus on something different,
Make sure you feel good.
Mental health comes before physical health,
If your mental health is alright,
There are only a few steps left to feel good physically.
If today is not your day,
Then tomorrow will be yours,
You will always have a second chance.
You can change
And become better.
There is no perfection,
That’s not the goal.
Everyone comes with qualities and flaws.
Be the person you want to be,
Be self-confident,
Believe in yourself,
Trust in yourself.
Decide wisely whom you trust,
Don’t judge people before knowing them,
There is always a reason behind their actions.
Be aware of consequences,
Don’t be arrogant,
Put your pride away when you need to.
Mind your own business,
Stay focused on what’s important to you.
Stick to the ground,
Surely you can escape sometimes
And just press pause,
But for some hours,
Not your whole life.
Stay in this reality,
Life isn’t for eternity.
If you feel like there is no possibility of feeling better,
Then you’re wrong,
There is always a solution.
Be patient,
Treat people the way you want to be treated,
Show respect,
Even if no one does it for you.
Never be at fault,
Always put yourself in the highest position,
Give to people,
What goes around comes around.
Dare to do things,
Accept that you can’t do everything,
Be able to say no,
Feel blessed for what you have.
Don’t be materialistic,
Be proud of yourself,
Stop complaining,
Instead, change the things that bother you.
Show your emotions,
That’s what defines you as human.
Pay attention to the little things,
Those are the things that will make you happy.